Thursday, October 18, 2007

Uh oh!

Well everyone, I'd like you to meet Rem. She is Nathan's pretty kitty and also an expecting mom!! This is kinda upsetting news cuz we don't need more kitties around... but it seems we have to now. Oh well, kittens are fun! ^_^ So this picture is a little old. She's got a bigger tummy now and showing pregnancy signs... you don't want to know. . So soon enough we will have kittens! Me and Nathan figure we will probably end up keeping one and his little brother is adopting one.. but if there are others I'm not sure what we will do.
Other then that we have no other exciting news. It has been a slow week at work for me and Nathan has been working his usual. I can't wait for the season to start.


Melissa said...

Craigslist is a great way to get rid of kitties, especially if you post an ever so cute picture of them advertising them. I know this because my little sister is constantly having to get rid of animals. She's special in that not so good way. haha.

Teenkurbelle said...

*lol* Well we have gotten rid of the unfixed male and all the cats are indoor only so it won't happen again unless we want it to..

Teenkurbelle said...

To anyone who cares. Rem wasn't pregnant, I guess she just got a little too excited about the auto feeder.