Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Day Out

Today I took Tootsie over to Chaparrel Park for a nice walk around the water. There weren't too many people there to distract her, I even got her to sit still long enough to take a few pics of the park but never long enough to get her in the shot. Not bad for a park in the city huh?

I didn't make it to where I wanted to for sunset but I still think our sky is pretty at sunset.


Teenkurbelle said...

Not sure why it is all spread out... couldn't seem to fix it. Sorry, any help would be nice though!

Rick and Eileen said...

I like your park and love your sunset. I remember Arizona sunsets from living there. They seem to have a lot of spectacular ones. Hope you enjoy them all.

Reid said...

Cool, nice park! How's the camera?